Need to import contacts from another software or spreadsheet? With the Box contacts settings, you can quickly upload and download your contacts hassle-free.
Where can I find Box Contacts?
When you are inside a box, in the top bar, click on "Box Setup".
Then click on "Box contacts".
Uploading contacts
Easily upload contacts that you have from other software or spreadsheets. To upload contacts, simply click the "Upload" button.
Following these steps will help ensure a smooth and successful upload process.
A pop-up will show. Here you can drag the file you would like to upload or click on browse to find the file on your computer.
The uploader supports the uploading of Excel Spreadsheets in both XLSX and CSV format.
Once uploaded, you can rename the uploaded file if you like for future reference by clicking on the 3 dot icon and clicking rename. This is optional.
Now, click "Next" and you will be asked to Map your fields.
Mapping contact fields
This is about as technical as it gets in Boxly! So here it goes...
When you upload your file, Boxly will use the column headings (like First Name, Last Name, and Email) as your "Imported Fields."
You can then map these fields to your Boxly questions so that the data is properly organised in the right place.
Once you've mapped all the fields to Boxly questions, you can click "Finish Upload"
Adding contacts to a stage
On the final mapping line, you will have the option to the Box stage that you would like to import these contacts to. Simply click the dropdown, and select the stage.
Rollback contacts
If for any reason you made a mistake with the mapping or want to have a "do-over" then simply click the rollback button.
Downloading contacts
You may want to download the contacts in a particular box at some stage. Doing that just takes one click. Simply click on the download contacts button.
An email will be to the email address you use to login to your Boxly account with a file containing your downloaded contacts. If it is not in your email give it a few minutes or check spam.