Business Info

Manage your opening hours, currency and brands colours

The Business Info section in your account settings lets you configure key details for your Boxly account.

Here's what you can set up

Brand Theme Colour

  • Choose a colour to use as the background for any shared pages or links.

  • Pick a shade that matches your brand for a cohesive look.

Default Currency

This feature is set up for tracking sales and generating reports within your Boxes, and it's automatically enabled on your account by default.

Opening Hours:

  • Toggle which days your business is open.

  • Set opening and closing times for each day.

This enables automation based on business hours, like: (Coming Soon)

  • Emails or notifications during or outside your open hours.

  • Segmenting leads by time received.

Customise your business info to

  • Align Boxly to your brand identity.

  • Configure settings specific to your operation.

  • Optimise time-based automations.

Set up your business details today for a tailored Boxly experience!

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