Being able to prioritise leads and respond to customers in a timely manner is crucial. Boxly provides useful tools to help you do just that.
The reply options allow you to either address leads immediately or save them for later follow-up depending on urgency and workload. This helps ensure all customers receive a prompt response.
Reply Now is used for leads that need an immediate response from you.
Reply Later is for tagging leads that don't require your input straight away but will still need addressing soon. This saves them for convenient follow-up at a later time.
Leads tagged as Reply Later are pinned in two key areas for easy visibility and management
At the top of the main 'Things To Do' list, so they will never be overlooked amidst new leads.
Also pinned at the top of the specific box/stage they were tagged within originally.

Whether you choose to Reply Now or Later, both priority and non-urgent leads remain categorised and tracked fully. This ensures all customer conversations are delivered with excellent response times.
The flexibility of being able to handle leads immediately or save them for productive follow-up times allows you to maintain organisation and productivity across high-volume customer workloads.